Les Carnets du Bal nº 10 – Les Temps de l’image

Authors: Jean-Marie SchaefferStéphane BretonAdrien GenoudetEstefania Peñafiel LoaizaNathalie BoulouchPablo FontouraFrançoise PaviotCan OnanerArno GIsingerOlivier ScheferMichel MenuFabien GiraudRaphaël SiboniMarie Pierre-BouthierMarylène Negro

Publishers: LE BALCNAPLes presses du réel

The temporal dimension of the image.

We’re used to seeing images primarily as spatial representations, as cuts in space. Yet images are as much about time as they are about space. If it works on time, by fixing it or setting it in motion, time also works on the image, transforming it, even making it disappear. And this time is not unique, but multiple and intertwined. History is certainly inscribed in images, but images are also always inscribed in history. Likewise, the time it takes to take in an image is matched by the time it takes to perceive it. Reception time is always crossed by the collective time of human communities, and therefore by the time of politics.

The different dimensions of image time are explored through thirteen case studies, including Dieter Applet’s experience of duration, the slide as primitive cinema among contemporary artists, the reconstitution of the history of objects looted by the Germans, and Chris Marker’s re-use of Albert Kahn’s Archives de la Planète.

[free translation from the French original text]

The book can be purchased at Le Bal Books: https://www.lebalbooks.com/en/pre-commande-les-carnets-du-bal-n010-les-temps-de-l-image

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